Batch time again

That show with that guy from Ryuki and that other guy from Ryuki and that lady from the Blade movie and that girl (not pictured) from that Fuuma show all in the same show with a lot of touching drama and fun comedy and serious business. Batch 2 is up, grab it now if you haven't before. Includes the director's cut for 19-20, the super artistic story by the director of Ghost in the Shell.
Keitai Sousakan means Cellphone Investigation Bureau in case we never actually translated that anywhere before. Now you know!
Edit: The non DC versions of 19-20 will remain on the tracker a bit longer. Note that they are not included in the batch. Completists, get them now!

One of our favorite Kamen Rider shows now has a batch for your convenience and her pleasure. (It's another boring Rider show about cards. They're all pretty bad, don't watch them. Obviously if it's about cards that means there can't be anything appealing to an adult in them.)
Edit edit:
If you were on the deleted torrents, just start up the new batch torrent. Stop the torrent. Copy your partial transfers into the batch folder. Then restart the torrent, it should resume your download
Also, I'm cleaning up Kamen Rider the Next. Apparently I didn't do so when the batch was made
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Labels: Batch, Jdorama, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Ryuki, Keitai Sousakan 7