Jan 10, 2010
Dec 3, 2009
Nov 26, 2009
Keitai final batch released

For the SD at least. Includes episodes 35-end
Bonus clips:
Cut scenes from the final episode
Keitaihen Music Video
Sands of Time Music Video
Wake You Up Music Video
Keitai Mutters Segments 1-2
Keitai Nights Segment
Keitai Xmas Special
Next 1-2
As usual, if you missed it the first time, here's your chance to get it while it's seeded!
Comment on front page here
Remember that you can resume batch torrents
Labels: Batch, CM, Jdorama, Keitai Sousakan 7
Nov 10, 2009
Oct 16, 2009
Oct 12, 2009
Aug 24, 2009
Decade Promos and W Promo released

"Look at all that pink and purple... Our money sure is gay." - Homer Simpson's Brazilian kidnappers
Decade promo, DVD version of the release meeting, Shinken Movie Promo, and another Ganbarie Commercial Man, what a nice package we have!
W promo, with its sneaky sneaky preview
Comment on this post here
Labels: CM, HD, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Decade, Kamen Rider W
Jul 17, 2009
May 25, 2009
Rescue Fire 07 SD/HD released

Watch my car while I'm away. You promise not to ding it, right?
You should probably download the Nihon Special 2009 CM pack since it includes a special movie transitioning Rescue Force to Rescue Fire before watching this episode. Released just in time!
面構え 【つらがまえ】 Tsuragamae (n) expression, look
Tsura literally is "face" so it's interesting to see this phrase used to describe the vehicles. Really personifies them
Comment on this post here
Labels: CM, HD, Rescue Fire, Tomica Hero
May 24, 2009
Nihon CM 2009 Pack 1 released

Plus a Rescue Fire special!
Comes with
"R1 to Fire-1" a movie that's kind of a prologue to Rescue Fire. Comes with Rescue Fire commercials
Decade commercials
Shinkenger commercials
Tomica Hyper Series short movies and commercials. They're the Lego looking figures in the pic
Comment on this post here
Labels: CM, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Decade, Rescue Fire, Rescue Force, Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, Tomica Hero
Dec 25, 2008
Rescue Force special and commercials subbed
A disaster prevention lesson
We've got commercials
Camino and Triplane (who do the first op/ed)
and more toys
and finally the movie commercial! What will we see?
Plus a bunch of misc movie commercials that came with the DVD. I thought they were interesting to watch, and hope you do too
(The list includes RF, Furefure Shoujo, Sakura no Sonoo, Otoko wa Tsurai yo, and a couple more)

Oh, so that's what's in there
Labels: CM, Rescue Force, Tomica Hero
Sep 1, 2008
Aug 4, 2008
Jul 2, 2008
GameCenter CX 01 released

The first episode of the series that made Arino famous
Also released the CM for the GameCenter CX game
So unfortunately, this ends the GCX marathon that we had stocked up. Of course we'll continue to work on GCX, but at a more leisurely rate (these episodes are more drama length and require a lot more work, plus the stuff marathoned was the culmination of 6 months of preparation)
So enjoy this episode, there'll be more to come
Labels: CM, Funny, Gamecenter CX
Oct 23, 2007
Oct 13, 2007
Sep 5, 2007
Jun 30, 2007
Super robot wars OG licensed
Friday June 29:
Bandai Visual USA @ Anime Expo (07:10 PM EDT): Bandai Visual USA has made a few announcements at Anime Expo:
Thanks to everyone who both worked on and watched this series. We will be pulling it
to make way for the commercial release. If you enjoyed it, please consider buying the DVD.
Discussion thread
Labels: Anime, CM, Super Robot Wars
May 7, 2007
Mar 29, 2007
Akazukin 38 released
Talk about it here and say nice things about the splash and commercial
Labels: Anime, CM, Fairy Musketeers Akazukin
Mar 19, 2007
Second Akazukin post on the new forums
Labels: Anime, CM, Fairy Musketeers Akazukin
Dec 6, 2006
Labels: CM
Dec 5, 2006
Talk about the cute commercial here
Labels: Anime, CM, Fairy Musketeers Akazukin
Jul 10, 2006
Labels: Anime, CM, Fairy Musketeers Akazukin
Apr 14, 2006
Labels: CM, GenSeiShin JustiRisers, Tokusou Sentai DekaRanger
Feb 5, 2006
Labels: CM, Transformers
Jan 25, 2006
Labels: CM, Kamen Rider Kabuto
Nov 13, 2005
Labels: CM
Nov 11, 2005
Labels: CM
Jan 28, 2005
Blade Commercials
Labels: CM, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Blade
Jan 4, 2005
GranSazer Op Single
JustiRisers End Single
Labels: CM, GenSeiShin JustiRisers, Ultraman
May 26, 2004
Labels: CM, Tokusou Sentai DekaRanger
Labels: CM, Tokusou Sentai DekaRanger