Jan 13, 2010
Nov 22, 2008
KR Kiva 40 released

This picture is awesome
Don't forget that we're having a donation drive currently to finance the tracker. Someone last week donated a shocking $200 to the cause. Obviously we don't expect that much from everyone; if we all contribute a little bit we'll reach our goal
I also posted a design sketch of next year's Sentai a few days ago
Join our chat to talk about it
Finally, what do people think of the new front page? There's a link to the help forum for feedback, suggestions, complaints
Labels: Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Kiva, Sentai, TN news
Dec 27, 2006
Labels: Dengeki Sentai Changeman, Sentai
Oct 31, 2006
Labels: Dengeki Sentai Changeman, Sentai
Oct 9, 2006
Labels: Dengeki Sentai Changeman, Sentai
Sep 30, 2006
Labels: Dengeki Sentai Changeman, Sentai
Aug 3, 2006
Labels: Dengeki Sentai Changeman, Sentai
Jul 24, 2006
Labels: Dengeki Sentai Changeman, Sentai
Jul 2, 2006
Labels: Dengeki Sentai Changeman, Sentai
Jun 11, 2006
Labels: Dengeki Sentai Changeman, Sentai
May 7, 2006
Labels: Kyouryuu Sentai ZyuRanger, Sentai
May 30, 2005
DaiRanger 10
Labels: Sentai
May 4, 2005
DaiRanger 9
Labels: Sentai
Mar 18, 2005
Feb 12, 2005
DaiRanger 7
Labels: Sentai
Jul 19, 2004
ZyuRanger - Currently holding on new raw source due to Macrovision issues while translation continues.
MegaRanger - Currently holding on a new raw source. Possible DVD release.Translation continues
GranSazer - Typesetter/Editor currently extremely busy due to involvement with upcoming Otakon convention. Translation continues and progress willresume shortly.
DaiRanger - Typesetter/Editor currently extremely busy due to involvement with upcoming Otakon convention. Translation continues and progress willresume shortly.
Ryuki - Raw source donated by DrKain will not be used due to conflict of interest. Currently awaiting new raw source from friend.
Kuuga - Currently in editing phase and first episode will be released soonsince we just got Region 2 raw source.
So as you can all see we have not given up on any projects as some believe or would have you believe. We are not speed subbers nor do we just rush right out with the lowest quality product. We take our time and put 100% into everything we do.
Labels: ChouSeiShin GranSazer, Denji Sentai MegaRanger, Kamen Rider, Mirai Sentai TimeRanger, Sentai
Apr 18, 2004
Labels: Anime, Kyouryuu Sentai ZyuRanger, Machine Robo Rescue, Sentai
Jan 25, 2004
Labels: Anime, Kyouryuu Sentai ZyuRanger, Machine Robo Rescue, Sentai
Dec 24, 2003
Labels: Sailor Moon, Sentai
Dec 22, 2003
Labels: Sentai
Oct 31, 2003
Labels: Sailor Moon, Sentai
Oct 14, 2003
Labels: Sentai
Oct 12, 2003
Labels: Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Faiz, Sentai
Oct 11, 2003
Labels: Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Faiz, Sentai
Sep 30, 2003
Labels: Sentai
Sep 29, 2003
Labels: Sentai
Sep 25, 2003
Labels: Anime, Denji Sentai MegaRanger, Machine Robo Rescue, Sentai