Apr 2, 2010

hello 4chan

hai i made dis for you


Apr 1, 2010

#TV-Nihon out of money...

So we're selling out. Much apologies


Thanks Luna!


Mar 23, 2010

#TV-Nihon Facebook page

Mar 18, 2010


So very soon Rescue Fire will be ending, thus concluding the two years of the Tomica Hero series. While I really liked this series, it's always a great relief to pare away a weekly because of the weight they come with. To compare, does anyone remember how many months it took for us to finish RyuKenDo after it finished airing?

A weekly is a strange animal. It appears almost every week. Your crackshot timers deliver a pretime script and you get working on them on the weekend to push them into editing/typesetting/qc/etc. A good year means you get Kamen Rider and Sentai and then have free time to do whatever. In 2008, there was Rescue Force and Keitai Sousakan every week. How crazy!

There's still the Wakana radio show to do, which is fun because of how different it is from other subs we release

Also, QCing for Heartcatch Precure is pretty fun. It's getting me watching anime again after like two years

Anyway, just wanted people to know that we do have an official Twitter link
No promises on how informative or interesting it will be. I'm also sending the front page updates into it through a RSS feed. So there's that if you're into it

Man, I like video games. If you're a gamer, have you seen our games forums? Also, check out the Idle Thumbs podcast, they're 3-4 smart, funny dudes who work in the game industry

And if you're a smart and funny dude, how about submitting an entry for our Make Your Own Subtitle contest

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Jan 2, 2010

It's the end of an era

Dec 22, 2009

Weekly poll: Bittorrent versus Direct Downloads (vs IRC)

So what do you prefer?

And why that method?

Also, it appears that Tokyo Toshokan has been going up and down. Remember you can always follow updates from us by this Twitter account:

The RSS feed for the front page:

Or just the Tracker RSS feed if all you care about is downloads. Remember you can set it up to autodownload stuff. Imagine coming home to your apartment in the clouds and thanks to space age technology, your show will be ready when you get there

Finally, you can always see all the new posts on our forums with this link:


Dec 18, 2009

Status of HD encodes

Long story short, there's no raws for them in the last few weeks. More details here

Also, if a link isn't available right away for the DDL thread, please don't go making posts asking for them. It doesn't make it magically appear faster

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Dec 2, 2009

Direct Download Forums

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the Direct Download Links forums which are tended to by Azazel, Shadowneko003, and many other helpful contributors.

Recently we made a change to the forums to cut down on the wasted posts and keep things clean and tidy. Please remember to keep series discussions and thank yous and stuff to the other forums. It's less wasteful stuff for our DDL staff to go through

General users can now only post in two sub forums. Only the forum mods can modify and post to the series threads

We have the Submit Links forum. If you want to submit a mirror, add a link, etc, please post it here.

If you notice a dead link, please use our Notify Broken Links forum

These forums auto prune on a regular basis

Please read over the Rules for link submissions. While I'm at it, why not take a look at the thread about series that need new mirrors?

Thanks, your cooperation is appreciated


Oct 22, 2009

7th Anniversary Release: New Front Page

Thanks to Azazel and Quatrerwin for this new front page. If you have javascript on, you get drop down menus. Now you can see more of the pictures I put up on the blog


Oct 21, 2009

Tracker accounts?

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

We're slowly going through and getting rid of your accounts. In a few weeks they'll all be gone

That doesn't matter, because you can still connect to the tracker anonymously. Please do not e-mail or go to the forums asking where your account is

The reasoning is that we have no reason to keep track of that information

Plus, W 3 and Shinkenger 30 torrents will be back tomorrow. I'm just taking them down for now because that's where most people seem to be getting hit with the copyright letter infringements

Or you can read Q's post about it here: http://tvnihon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5359


Oct 20, 2009

KRW 3 and Shinkenger 30 torrents deleted

Since the copyright notices seem to be coming from these two torrents, I've deleted them (I will put new ones up in a day or so)

Till then, please use the DDL for your download needs


Missing Tracker profile?

Don't panic. I'm just going through and deleting people's accounts. We don't have any reason to keep track of that info and in light of the privacy issues that are going around, it seems like a smart move.

Really, just log out of your account and don't use it. You can still connect to our torrents and there's one less vector of information. No promises, but Q our tech guy is looking into stuff to beef up your anonymity. But anything you guys can do to protect yourselves is also good


Oct 15, 2009

Forum Reshifterings

I renamed the artist gallery into media gallery and moved it into the off topic forum

Moved the random pic and random video threads in there too

I also created a no spoiler picture thread for stuff related to our shows. No spoilers or the mods will kill you


1) No Spoilers. If it hasn't been shown in an episode yet, don't post it. Previews don't count

2) If it's a large pictures, use thumbnails or spoiler tags

3) These are for pictures related to our releases. We do have a random picture thread for everything else

4) Please name the artist and source if possible


Oct 7, 2009

More about the Bay TSP threatening letters thing

Spinelsun made an interesting observation that so far, the letters are only in regards to W and Shinkenger (current shows) and even more interesting just HD releases. Has anyone received a letter for stuff besides that?

Also, please give feedback on how you guys are finding the IP blocking programs

The thread


Oct 6, 2009

Podcasts and torrent crackdowns

Looks like there's a test podcast out. Check it out and give feedback please
Download the podcast

I also wrote a short post with the results of my 5 minute searching on Google in regards to the claims that people are receiving letters from Bay TSP for using our tracker. Check it out Unfortunately, it'll have to be people's jobs to protect their privacy. It's not something we can do on our end


Sep 27, 2009

We need a community organizer

Yeah, totally ripped that one off the kol wiki.

Anyway, Deka Hero has shut down his toku talk show project. Is there anyone out there who would like to pick it up and take over?
Save the TN Talk show campaign


Jun 13, 2009

TN files DO play on the PS3

Just checked for myself

You just have to hit Triangle when in the video playback section.
Apparently this has been true since 2007

Conversion is unnecessary


Apr 24, 2009

Various things

So we've been doing HD for a few months. Are we doing a good job about it? Az has created a thread for posting feedback, BUT, read his whole post before posting
HD feedback thread

Gunzy is also resurrecting the group viewing thingy. There's still kinks being worked out, but it seems he'll take over for organizing it. Let's try to do this, it might be fun
More info here

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Jan 5, 2009

Another contest and stuff an informational nature

Kouga's running a: Cutie Honey Music Video Contest

I wanted to point out a new sub-forum that we have. The members only forum. It's nothing super secret, but I've noticed a lot of people posting semi-private information, and it seemed like this kind of stuff should only be visible to registered users. Please use this forum if you're going to create threads of that kind of nature

I also combined the Reviews forum with the Entertainments forum, it just made more sense that way

Finally, are there any translators out there who are interested in working on Decade/Shinkenger? Raws are typically ready by Saturnday night Pacific. We typically pretime our shows, but if the translator doesn't mind timing his/her own shows, that's fine. We do not post-time shows. Please e-mail me at the address above if you're interest

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Why a picture of Takahashi-meijin with Akiyama Rina and that girl that plays Mio? I dunno. What's the story with this picture anyway?


Jan 1, 2009

#TV-Nihon 2008

Nov 25, 2008


Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

We've got batch torrents! Go-Onger, Trick, and Keitai have all been put in batches, so go grab them while they're seeded! (As usual, if you've already got them partially downloaded, simply put them in the new batch folder to resume)

For those of you who don't go to our forums, have you seen our Random Pictures thread, Funny Videos thread, or the misc entertainment forums that aren't related to our shows?

Also, it looks like we hit our donation mark. Thanks to everyone who contributed.

By the way, clicking the new logo takes you to a welcome area channel. The reason it does this is because some of the regulars in our real channel complained that too many people join/parted spammed or whatnot. Feel free to screw around however you like in that channel. But if you want to interact with people, be sure to have a real nick (not mib_???) then click on the /join #tv-nihon link in the topics message or type it out

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Nov 23, 2008

Go-On 38 released

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Girls girls girls, we've got girls

Also, the logo does something now! (It's a hidden feature)

Just $55 more and we'll reach our donation goal.

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Nov 22, 2008

KR Kiva 40 released

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

This picture is awesome

Don't forget that we're having a donation drive currently to finance the tracker. Someone last week donated a shocking $200 to the cause. Obviously we don't expect that much from everyone; if we all contribute a little bit we'll reach our goal

I also posted a design sketch of next year's Sentai a few days ago

Join our chat to talk about it

Finally, what do people think of the new front page? There's a link to the help forum for feedback, suggestions, complaints

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Nov 5, 2008

QCer wanted

We're at a point right now where we could use some QCers. Qualities that I am seeking are:

1) Has the free time to QC in a reasonable turnaround time
2) Reliability
3) Good communication
4) Good observation skills
5) Good English skills

If you're interested, please PM me on the forums. I will be judging you based on the way you talk, the way you act, your history on the forums, and the things you say. It's shocking and discriminatory, I know.


Nov 4, 2008

Front page changes

I made some changes on the back end to accommodate the labels function. Go ahead and try them, they taste like snozzberries.

As a consequence, if you had some direct links to one of our older news posts (for whatever reason) they'll probably be broken. Just remove the /archive part of it and it should be fine.


Oct 15, 2008

Ryuki 6 release October is always birthday month for TN

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

TN Birthday month
So our birthday is coming up on the 23rd. We don't have anything crazy planned like last year...

So I caught up with the lists. Let me retroactively congratulate:

Release 1500 Den-O 26.5 (The Shin-chan special... yay?)
Release 1600 Kiva 5
Release 1700 GameCenter CX North trip 3-4 (Whoo, the best show you don't know!)
Release 1800 Kiva 33 (Kiva again?!)

As of this point, TN has done 1816 releases. What will be number 1900? Number 2000?

Also, now you too can manipulate the list:
I think you need to export it to manipulate it. But I set it up so that all the series are consistently named. If anyone has any comments on how to make this more consistent, please send me a message.

TN 6th Birthday thread

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