
We've got batch torrents! Go-Onger, Trick, and Keitai have all been put in batches, so go grab them while they're seeded! (As usual, if you've already got them partially downloaded, simply put them in the new batch folder to resume)
For those of you who don't go to our forums, have you seen our Random Pictures thread, Funny Videos thread, or the misc entertainment forums that aren't related to our shows?
Also, it looks like we hit our donation mark. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
By the way, clicking the new logo takes you to a welcome area channel. The reason it does this is because some of the regulars in our real channel complained that too many people join/parted spammed or whatnot. Feel free to screw around however you like in that channel. But if you want to interact with people, be sure to have a real nick (not mib_???) then click on the /join #tv-nihon link in the topics message or type it out
Labels: Batch, Engine Sentai Go-Onger, Jdorama, Keitai Sousakan 7, TN news, Trick