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We're a fan group that subs Japanese material into English since October 2002. We mostly focus on tokusatsu (live special effect shows), although we have on occasion dabbled with anime and jdoramas. We have members from around the world who work hard to bring you the best in hyper fansubbing action.
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Guide to honorifics: In Japanese an important cultural aspect is to have honorifics to show how people relate to each other.
No honorific: Used between people who are close to each other. If the honorific is dropped between people who aren't close, it's kind of insulting.
-chan: Normally an honorific used to show endearment, see Date from OOO. Can be kind of condescending though. Typically used with girls.
-kun: Normally used to address boys or co-workers in a lower position than the speaker (This applies to women in this case, like Satonaka-kun used by the president in OOO)
-san: Basic honorific, used to show general respect.
-sama: Used to show respect to someone higher than the speaker.
-shi: I don't see it used as often, but it's used for formal speech and for people that are generally unfamiliar to the speaker.
-sempai and kouhai: Sempai is used for people who are the senior or higher level than the speaker. Like in school or profession. Kouhai is the opposite relation, used to refer to people in the lower level.
-dono/tono: Literally means "lord". Not really used nowadays, but it's used to show a lot of respect to a person.
-tachi: Not really an honorific, but kind of used to show the social structure of a group. Literally means "name of person and others". Since Japanese words tend to be used for both singular and plural, a -tachi can be used to show there's more than one. Like samurai-tachi would show there's a group of samurai. Or Alata-tachi would show that Alata is kind of the main guy in this group. Stuff like that.
You can also read it on the wiki which goes into much more detail than is presented here. I highly recommend it if you enjoy the Japanese cultural bits that are presented in #TV-Nihon's subs.
Other stuff to pay attention to: You might hear this stuff but it won't be repesented in the subs
Anata: Literally means "you" but usually used between a wife to address her husband. I usually translate this as "dear".
There are a lot of ways to say "I" in Japanese. This says a lot about the person speaking.
Watashi: Generic "I"
Atashi: Feminine "I". Girls and gay men sometimes use this. Seriously, any flaming gay stereotype uses this. Atakushi and Atai are older versions of this that aren't really used except for women like Utsukawadayuu or something.
Boku: Masculine "I". Can also be used to address boys if you don't know their name. Some modern girls use this.
Ore: Ultra masculine "I". Using this shows a bit of arrogance or cockiness. Momo is the prime example of this. "Ore sanjou!