Uchuu Sentai KyuuRanger

KyuuRanger High School Wars 5th period released!

We weren't just sitting on our hands during the break. Check it out, more KyuuRanger!

So Luna, the maniac, bought the DVD for High School Wars and apparently there's a 5th episode! It's from a DVD source so no HD version, but I think you should check it out because it's got a nice acknowledgement of the suit actors. Also it's just 5 minutes.

Thread / Wiki

KyuuRanger batched!

HD1080 and SD batches complete! Go get them while they're seeded!

Forums / Wiki

KyuuRanger 48 + CM + Junctions released

Farwell, KyuuRanger!

And with that, I'm free from translating a weekly for the first time in... 14ish years? Good luck to the rest of the team if they decide to pick up Lupin VS Pat.

Thread / Wiki

Don't forget to rate Kyuu in the poll thread. Currently it's a 3.68 out of 5 stars with 31 votes.


Lunagel stealth edit: Before you flip out at takenoko's unnecessarily vague wording, xiiliea will be doing Build every week and I'll be translating Lupin VS Pat so everything will be released as normal.

KyuuRanger 45 + CM + Junctions released

Not sure why the KyuuRangers look like they're about to die in those pictures.

Thread / Wiki

KyuuRanger 44 + CM + Junctions released

I guess I didn't realize how big his shoulder pads were... That'll poke a guy's eye out!

Thread / Wiki

KyuuRanger 43 + Movie released

43: Thread / Wiki

Movie: Thread / Wiki

No Kyuu or Brave next week! Build even? Whatever!! Happy New Years!


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