Kamen Rider

Ex-Aid SD Batch released

If you were on the individual torrents, move to the batch!

(If you were on the first torrent, please move over to the second one. The first one is messed up!)

KR Zi-O 10 v2 released

<Lunagel> takenoko, it's time charge not change for zi-o タイムチャージ

<takenoko> it's time... to change change into charge

<xiiliea> charnge!

Quick Zi-O 09v2 released

Misspelled Critical

KR Zi-O 08 v2 released

Wrong symbol used in an effect.


KR Zi-O 07 & 7.5 released

Bonus: Justifaiz Duet that was supposed to have been released last week, but didn't, because I'm a clumsy fool.

Thread / Wiki

Kamen Rider Amazons S2 now streaming on Amazon Prime

More than five months after Season 1, Season 2 is now streaming on Amazon Prime. We've just took down our subs so please support the official release.

Discussion Thread


KR Zi-O 04 & 4.5 & 2.5v2 released

Ora ra!

Also a v2 for 2.5 to change Uhr's name to the most current version.

Thread / Wiki

KR Zi-O 02 version 3 released

Found one more line that's wrong.

KR Zi-O 02 version 2 released

Someone made a good suggestion for the spellings for some of the characters, so I released a v2 for episode 2 to reflect that. Thanks to njb for making them!

KR Zi-O 02 & 1.5-2.5 released

“Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.”

2: Thread / Wiki

1.5-2.5: Thread

Decade 23 v2 released!

Whoops, messed up the editing. V2 fixes a line.


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