
Boonboomger v2

A couple mistakes, see thread for details

Robert Baldwin passes away at 59
Gordo/Sazer-X, Ramirez/Kyouryuuger actor passed away after a two year fight with colon cancer on Dec 26, 2024. He was 59
This news was announced on Twitter by his daughter, Ariga Rei

GranSazer batch up

Like with JustiRisers, I fixed the header for episodes 28-51 so that the aspect ratios are correct now. It's funny because the first 27 are fine, wonder what happened there?

Forum / Wiki

Zoids Genesis Batch

I renamed the crc for episode 49. Seems like it's okay? If you have a copy that matches the old CRC lemme know!

Forum / Wiki

Boonboomger 1-42 batch up

No episode this week, but no reason to rest on our laurels!

Forum / Wiki

GenSeiShin JustiRisers Batch released (1-24 are fixed now!)

Went through and fixed the headers for episodes 1-24. Not a full encode that it deserves but at least it's better?

Forum / Wiki

Boonboomger Movie v2

Looks like I made a mistake replacing a line during the checkoff. Sorry guys!

Boonboomger 42 v4 and v2

 <Lunagel> Why is this episode cursed

So on an unrelated note, it looks like the styles were the wrong ones for the monster. Fixed that, added the font for the 720 encode, and this should hopefully be the final release of this tonight

V2 and V3s for the 720ps

So when a harddrive is full, not only does it not finish encoding, but also Dropbox doesn't sync up your scripts. Yep, the original releases were using the old scripts


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