TimeRanger 01 version 3 coming

So I've been experimenting with different filters over the week, and I think I've found a better way of dealing with those crappy old Toei DVDs. The gist of it is, a new version of Time 1 is forthcoming and it should look better than the one I released earlier this week.

I'm sure this is more intricate than most of you care to know, but compared to the newer DVDs like Zyu or Dai, the early Toei DVDs release before 2002ish were really awful to deal with. It'd use these awful interlacing techniques or with Kuuga, the whole TV series was letterboxed. It's just a pain in the ass.

Blu-rays are pretty awesome to encode by comparison. But not everything comes out on Blu-ray. Anyway, enough griping about stuff. Back to work. Back to work.