Can I request some splash pics for Garo, Drive, and Ninninger? It'd be nice to have some new ones for the new characters, mecha, etc. that has shown up. Please submit 1280x720 or 1920x1080 format pictures please.
Remember that all splash pics used in videos are fan made! We have some really talented folks out there.
I'm making a gallery of the splash pics on my tumblr blog. I've started tagging them, so if you like a person's work, you can always click their name to see more of their stuff. (I need to go back and tag the stuff from past posts)
If you're an artist whose submitted a splash pic to us in the past, let me know. I'd like to make a post that links to a person's website if they have one, that way people can see that and check out your other work when they click your name.
Edit: Oh yeah, the rotating banner at the top of the forums is also user created. If you want to submit for that, just make sure the picture is 88 pixels tall. The typical width is 477 pixels, but I think other lengths work too.