Fourze 04 HD released


People sure love their SD Fourze. Oh, but the release is in HD. Please not being confused by this.

Edit from the Fourze Four thread said three times fast. Yeah, say it. Say it! The edit:
We went through this with episode two. We originally had it as Lost One, but corrected it to Last One. Taken from the TV-Asahi summary for episode 2:

In its Saishuu (Last One) Form... blah blah blah

I guess Last One is just a lame way to say ultimate form.

I'm glad people are enjoying the clip I included at the end. It was a lot of fun making it, and gave me a chance to try some video filters. Thanks to Mag for his ideas. The music used for it is called House of Leaves, a royalty free bgm that you can download here if you want: ... uspenseful