Anniversary Thread (Sorry we're a week late)
Also, we're doing a donation drive in two parts this year. As we grow older, I'm realizing some of the staff are burdened with more and more financial hardships are our lives grow more complex. So normally the donation drive covers server costs, but this year, we're doing a drive first to cover materials and services that we pay for out of pocket. We'll have a server drive later when we find out how much it'll cost to maintain our server for another year.
For the materials and service drive, we're shooting for $500. So for transparency's sake:
If you wish to donate, there's a donation link at the top. Someone already gave us $15 before we even announced the drive so thank you to that person. If you can afford to give, that's awesome. If you aren't, don't stress yourself about it. We want as many people as possible to enjoy our shows, that's why we keep it free.