![PayPayl - TV-Nihon](https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif)
Thanks a lot to everyone who donated. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. This will sound kind of dumb, but we do this sort of stuff because we like the shows and the work that it entails. It's pretty nice to know that people are willing to put money into supporting the work that we do.
Some people wrote apologizing for small donations. To those people, I say don't. That's money you chose to give, and that means a lot whether it's a big donation or a small one. The exchange of money isn't a light one. We're basically faceless strangers on the Internet, but you've displayed an act of faith and trust that we are deeply appreciative of.
It's not much, but I think we should include a thanks page crediting the donors on the first episodes we release with the new computer. It's going to be opt-in. If you've donated, just e-mail me with how you want to be credited, or you can dedicate it to someone else if you want.
Again, thanks to all of you who donated. You guys are awesome and this is really a meaningful gift to our little community.
Edit: I'm about to start personally responding to all the e-mail notices. If I don't respond, please drop me an e-mail to make sure I didn't miss one. Thanks!