So I'm thinking about changing the current catchphrase, "Space is awesome!!!" to "Space Kitaaa!!!". I know it's an unusual precedent to change something that's been consistent since episode one, but I really feel like the current way of translating it is just plain bad. It doesn't work as a catchphrase and it's inconsistent with how it's used in the rest of the Fourze translations.
Now I know #TV-Nihon take a lot of flack for leaving too much Japanese in our translations, but remember that this is just another tool in the translator bag and a translation can only be better for having more options. For me, it's very important that translations evoke a certain feeling or reaction. I don't always accomplish that since I make bad decisions or mess up. Y'know, being human is accepting that you're going to make mistakes or that there'll be consequences to your decisions that you don't foresee. But if you guys are still here, then you must have faith in us as translators, so I'll have faith in you guys to trust our decisions when we explain them.
So here's why I don't like "Space is awesome." It's basically dumb as a catchphrase. It's not unique; I'm sure the Video Games is Awesome people have the "X is Awesome" thing covered. Thus, it's not very memorable. And it's not a catchphrase in that it doesn't work in any other situation that it appears. If we kept the translation consistent, we would have things like "Meteor is awesome!" (True) or "Oosugi is awesome!" (False). The fact that Kitaaa has the dual meaning of "to arrive" and "is awesome" probably meant that we should have left it in Japanese in the first place.
The original reason that I didn't leave it in Japanese is because Uchuu doesn't sound cool. It's weird looking and just isn't a very fun word. Translations should be fun. And Kitaaa is fun. It's fun to say (especially when it's done elatedly) and it works with the extra a's. "Space Kitaaaa!!!" "Cancer Kitaaaa..." that works for me and fits with Gentarou and Yuuki's personalities. I know it's a mid-series change and I know that people don't like change, but I'm hoping this works for you too.