So our usual disclaimer, fansubbing is a hobby for our group. We don't do it for profit and most of us have jobs and other stuff going on. But if you don't mind a little wait and enjoy our style, we'd love it if you can help offset some of the costs of this hobby
Our goal this time is $662:
Anyway, I'll leave this up for a week. If we make it, we make it. Otherwise it's no big deal. You can donate from our Paypal link, but e-mail if you want to pay using a different method and I can see if I can arrange something. Thank you for reading!
Sooooo... issues. First, the broadcast raw for GandD isn't really usable, since it happened during some disaster. So it had emergency messaging in the borders, and the borders would grow and shrink during the broadcast.
We were able to grab an internet copy, but it's only 720p.
But for some reason the tracker isn't taking my upload of it. So let's see how long this Dropbox link works. If you want the SD version, it still works on the tracker.