Lunagel's blog

Kaitou Sentai LupinRanger VS Keisatsu Sentai PatRanger 04 Released!

It's not pink, it's magenta!

Oh wait no, it's pink.

EDIT: There was an issue with torrent file names and tl;dr we may have slightly borked the tracker. You can still download like normal and connect fine, it just shows 0 seeders and 0 peers.

Thread / Wiki

Kaitou Sentai LupinRanger VS Keisatsu Sentai PatRanger 01 Released

AKA Just how many characters are allowed in a file name anyway man one of the movies is definitely gonna hit the limit

A very big thank you to the guys at Toku Friends Fansub who are doing the show with Vietnamese subs and graciously shared their typesetter Mango's (amazing!) effects with us for this series.

Thread / Wiki

Kamen Rider Build 20 Released!

I got something hazardous for you~ In my pants~

(It's herpes!)

Thread / Wiki

Kamen Rider Build 17 Released!


Discussion Thread | Wiki

Cover Your Man Hole (with a T-shirt)!

I've been intrigued by Japanese manhole covers since that one episode of Garo, and it looks like I'm not the only one. Japan has some of the most colorful, most intriguing covers for their manholes (no way to say that without sounding perverted, is there?) that you can imagine. So here's your chance to get a little bit of that beauty (and weirdness) for yourself for a pretty reasonable price. These guys are collaborating with regional governments to bring you the best of the best of manholes, so give their kickstarter a look and share!

Check it out here!

Kaitou Sentai LupinRanger VS Keisatsu Sentai PatRanger Promo Released


I'm convinced this is what the first episode will look like and no one can tell me otherwise.

Discussion Thread

Kamen Rider Build 16 Released!

Share this solid gold statue of Ichigou for luck in the coming new year.

Thread / Wiki

Kamen Rider Build 13 Released

Someone make me a cute bentou like this~

Thread / Wiki / Pics

Kamen Rider Build 12 Released

Only 40 more episodes before Decade 2: Electric Boogaloo

Thread / Wiki / Pics

Build 08 released!

This is the image that came up when I googled "Rocket Panda"

Thread / Wiki

Build 07 + Henshin Lesson 02 Released

Thinking about maybe setting up a mini-tournament once this comes out, would anyone be interested?

Thread / Wiki

Kamen Rider Build 06 Released!

I always wear my superhero undies~


Thread / Wiki

Kamen Rider Build 03 Released!

I wish I had a legion of adoring fans to do my bidding...

Discussion Thread / Pixiv Artist / Wiki

Kamen Rider Build 02+MV+Henshin Lesson 1 Released!

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na~

Discussion Thread / MV Discussion Thread / Wiki


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