Donations to upgrade the capping computer?

Good evening folks, hope you had a good Saturday.

We're doing okay, but we could be doing better. Recently, we've been having harddrive problems with our capping machine, that's been making it hard to work with. It's failing to do basic things like copying and pasting files and it's corrupting our source videos (luckily we have a backup). But as you can see, we've clearly worked that harddrive to death and need to replace it.

But we figured that if we're going to need to start over from scratch, we might as well just start with an upgraded system. We can take the experience we had with capper mark 1 to build/buy a much better one.

So we turn to you, our dear audience, for help with allaying some of the costs of this new machine. Normally, we don't like asking for money, but something like the cost of a new computer is out of our budget at this time. Don't worry, even if we don't get the money to cover the costs, I'm sure we can make it work out somehow. So don't feel like you're obligated to give us money. But if you like the stuff we do and feel like being generous, great!

For information on how to donate, just send me an e-mail at