Kingdom of Loathing game: Hardcore Fisting run?

As long as I'm wasting your time between releases, I thought I'd plug the new ascension path in called Way of the Surprising Fist. Spoilers, after you beat the game, you can ascend and replay the game to perm the skills, thus changing your game play from ascension to ascension. Plus you can add conditions to your new ascensions to get more karma points, which make it easier to perm skills.

So we're really enjoying the fisting path because you can travel around to certain areas and gain fist skills. It's just funny because when you get the skill, you get this scroll, which basically says "big penis" backwards:


Anyway, feel free to join the game. Join our clan, TV-Nihon, for some minor benefits. Find me in chat using

/c clan

If you need stuff, just ask or grab it from our clan stash. Join us and have some fun with this funny pop culture humor game.
