Submitted by takenoko on Wed, 09/04/2013 - 04:03

Arino's back! What game is he playing this time?!
Since it's been a while since we released one of these, if you've never seen the show, but do like:
Video games
Arcade games
Japanese shows
Japanese comedians
then you will probably like this show. If you come here, I'd say it's definitely worth trying out.
Thread / Wiki
Submitted by takenoko on Wed, 01/18/2012 - 21:59

Hey guys, if you're here from the Kotaku link, you can download GameCenter CX a couple ways.
You can download it off our tracker using Bittorrent. Luckily I just rebatched the files so they should still be relatively well seeded. It's sorta chronological. The first season is batched with some of the random stuff that happens after the second season. And the second season is in a batch of its own. And the recently released first episode of the third season, episode 011, is by itself.
Or you can us direct download links off the forums.
Hopefully more sooner than later.
Submitted by takenoko on Wed, 01/18/2012 - 15:38
Submitted by takenoko on Sat, 01/14/2012 - 11:57

Back when there were brackets around the CX.
I know this is sloppy, but I threw in the future episodes in that batch too. Like Transformers and the Ultraman ones. Maybe I'll rebatch them as more episodes come out.
Anyway, please move your files over if you were in the middle of downloading. And help seed too please, the seeder doesn't have these files either.
Submitted by takenoko on Thu, 01/12/2012 - 10:00

Just a batch of episodes 1-10 and the DS commercial. Please help seed since it looks like our automatic seeder doesn't have all the episodes.
I'm thinking of batching the out of order episodes and specials with the first season
Submitted by takenoko on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 14:59

Like an onslaught from a multi-formed boss that just will not die, the Kachou has returned!
Sorry for the long wait, but here's GameCenter CX 11. Thanks to Lunagel for stepping in and translating while I work on finishing up other series.
This episode features Japanese comedians like Kato-chan, Ken-chan, and the comedy duo America Zarigani. Season three has begun! Be sure to check out the thread for links to more trivia.
Submitted by takenoko on Mon, 07/18/2011 - 17:38
Submitted by takenoko on Thu, 06/23/2011 - 11:46
I'm going to be at work, but I'm sure other people in the channel will watch it. Starts at 8 PM Eastern tonight.
Our IRC Channel: Won't you come and watch it with us?
Forum Thread
Edit: People've been asking, but yeah, we do plan to do more GCCX episodes. I just want to catch up on some other projects and have them in good spots before taking them on. Thanks for your patience.
Submitted by takenoko on Tue, 06/21/2011 - 21:07
Submitted by takenoko on Thu, 06/16/2011 - 16:08
Submitted by takenoko on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 20:22

Retro Game Master will be featured exclusively on Kotaku every Thursday night, posting at 8pm EST, starting June 23, 2011.
So what's that mean for us? I strongly suspect that what they'll put out will be highly edited, so we'll probably continue to release what they leave out, I'm guessing? At any rate, this is exciting news for GameCenter CX fans. The staff are talking about watching the first broadcast together.
Once we know more about it, we'll make some decisions on how we proceed with the project in the future. For now, let's give our support to Kotaku and hope they do the show justice. I definitely recall them mentioning the show in past articles, so they must have fans among the staff.
Our thread about the matter.
On a side note, we are working on TimeRanger as a backburner project. I'm just QCing and encoding it, so it won't interfere with the other Sentai projects going on. But as you can expect, it's probably not going to come out super soon.
Submitted by takenoko on Mon, 03/07/2011 - 07:09
Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 02/11/2011 - 12:28
Looks like someone is working on fan translating the Game Center CX game (called Retro Gaming Challenge in the English world). Seems they need translator that understand the Osaka accent. If you're interested, check out this link: