Kamen Rider Girls

Are the Kamen Rider Girls okay?

Join takenoko as he investigates the Kamen Rider Girl's YouTube channel, Kimisuma!


Kamen Rider Girls 10th Anniversary pack released

Included in this pack are previous Kamen Rider Girls music videos as well as
-A v2 of Let's Go Rider Kick 2011, remastered from the DVD in 848x480 resolution and in mp4 format (we were still using avi back then, remember that?)
-Kamen Rider Girls selling a Rider-branded trunk
-The Girls selling a Shocker Clock
-The Girls selling TTFC goods

Check out their official page and wish them a happy birthday!

They also released a video where they try to do their dance at 2x speed. But later they have to reduce it to 1.75 speed:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcdCzvk ... e=youtu.be

Thread / Wiki

18th Anniversary: Music Video releases

Have to admit, been sitting on these a while, but they're released now! Happy birthday to us!


KR Girls Wiki

KR Kuuga Wiki

Edit: The Kuuga music video was supposed to have a splash image preceding it. Credit to decade368990  for making it:

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