Kamen Rider

Kamen Rider Build 02+MV+Henshin Lesson 1 Released!

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na~

Discussion Thread / MV Discussion Thread / Wiki

KR Ex-Aid 40 and Snipe 2 released

The director looks like Mister Mxyzptlk messing with the Ex-Aid characters.

Thread / Wiki

Snipe 2: Thread / Wiki

KR Amazons Season 2 Ep 11 released

If  you're not watching this season, you're missing something great.

Thread / Wiki

KR Amazons Season 2 Ep 10 released

Who do I have to sacrifice to make this a thing in the show?

Thread / WIki

KR Ex-Aid 35 released

When you look into the screen, it looks back at you.

Thread / WIki


Also, Lazer HBV released. Catch them all da ze!


Kamen Rider Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man VS Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Riders Released!

Why are these movie titles always so freaking long?

Movie Thread / Wiki


Kamen Rider Girls' Movin' On music video included too!

KR Amazons Season 2 Ep 9 released

Smile... Why aren't you laughing? Laugh with me.

Thread / Wiki


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