Kamen Rider

KR Ex-Aid webpage goes up

Wiki: http://wiki.tvnihon.com/wiki/Kamen_Rider_Ex-Aid

Thread'll probably have spoilers. Just try to keep them reasonable and nothing too outrageous.

So, he's got a very stylistic head... Anyone else reminded of how much people hated Decade when we first saw his image?

Also Famicom chest. Now that I've said everything everyone else has already said, what do you guys think?

Discussion Thread

KR Amazons Poll results and Batches Release

4.73 out of 5 (48 votes)

Compare this to W (the next highest rating) which was a 4.68. However, W had 75 votes. So maybe Amazons' voter base had a positive bias, and the score would have leveled off if more people had voted.

Anyway, here's our Amazon batches. Will Amazons be released in America before the Blu-rays come out next year?

Amazons Images

Amazons Poll

Master Poll List

KR Ghost 39 released

Check the original site for an animated version.

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Amazons poll

I'm doing the poll thing again. Rate your favorite series!

Amazons poll going on now. Will close in a week (Sat July 16th)

Master poll list

See more Amazons pics on my blog

Chaser & Uchida RIo Coke CM released

Sorry it took so long to release!

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Time to do more polls! The newest poll is, What do you think of Ghost?

KR Amazons 12 released

Kobayashi Taro who sings Armour Zone.

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KR Amazons 11 v2 released

v2 released because the resolution was wrong. Sorry about that!

KR Amazons 11 released

Omuro from Agito is back!

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KR Amazons 09 released

Luna thought of a funny alternate title for this episode. Maybe we should make this a thing? Post to the thread if you think of a funny alt title.

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KR Shin/ZO/J/SD bonuses batch released

Bonus: Renaider, the Ryuki parody, included.

I'm doing these trivia things on my blog from time to time. Subscribe and make suggestions if you have any.

KR Amazons 05 released

The sign says "Two days until episode 5 is released!!"

Now with maybe a more accurate end theme translation? Kind of says a lot that the closest thing we have to "official lyrics" is someone's interpretation of the lyrics in the Amazon comment section for the digital download of the song. Where's CD inserts to the rescue?

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