Submitted by takenoko on Wed, 11/28/2012 - 04:14

We also have "We are Brothers" thanks to Yaiba. Also check out the cool GokaiSilver Dice-O CM.
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We Are Brothers
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Submitted by takenoko on Thu, 11/22/2012 - 11:26

Happy Thanksgiving! Also, why isn't this a real thing?
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Submitted by takenoko on Tue, 11/20/2012 - 08:11
Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 11/18/2012 - 01:23
Submitted by takenoko on Sat, 11/17/2012 - 10:44

What the hell happened to your faaaaaaaaaaace?!
Thread / Wiki
Submitted by takenoko on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 12:56

I guess Toyosaki Aki is the voice actress of the monster this week. (She's the giant on the far right)
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Submitted by takenoko on Sat, 11/03/2012 - 21:05
Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 10/26/2012 - 14:08

Happy Halloween guys! Go-Busters 35 released
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Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 10/19/2012 - 15:48

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The MagiRangers are back together again!
Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 15:55
Submitted by takenoko on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 19:00
Sorry about that, it really can't be helped. Our typesetter is working really long days for an important project at work. Please take this picture of the Go-Busters' actors training to do their stunts as some compensation:

Submitted by takenoko on Sat, 10/06/2012 - 15:24

Sorry for the late release this week. People busy with work and stuff.
Thread / Wiki
Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 09/28/2012 - 16:14
Submitted by takenoko on Wed, 09/19/2012 - 15:32
Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 13:29
Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 01:31
Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 09/07/2012 - 18:10
Wizard thread.
Go-Bus thread.
I added a couple polls to the thread, just to see how people are feeling in general about the shows.
Just for some context. Wizard had a 7.7% viewership. Compared to Fourze's first episode of 6.3% and final episode of 5.1%.
Go-Busters had a viewership of 4.4%, up from 3.3% last week. I guess a bunch of people are still skipping Go-Busters.
Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 09/07/2012 - 15:39

Why haven't we had a showdown between the heroine and villainess of the series yet?
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Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 08/31/2012 - 12:34
Submitted by takenoko on Tue, 08/28/2012 - 21:52