Submitted by Quatrerwin on Mon, 08/21/2023 - 07:41
The server will be going down between 7 and 8 PM CDT on Friday, August 25, 2023, for maintenance. It will impact everything on the server and is expected to last anywhere from 1 to 5 hours
Submitted by Quatrerwin on Wed, 07/20/2022 - 15:56
The forums and wiki will be going down on July 21, 2022 around 8 PM CDT for an upgrade. The process should not take more than an hour or two. During this time, the forums will be inaccessible. The front page, tracker, and wiki will be unaffected and accessible as usual.
Submitted by Quatrerwin on Tue, 10/12/2021 - 19:28
The site maintenance is now complete.
Submitted by Quatrerwin on Sun, 10/10/2021 - 22:29
At some point on Tuesday, October 12 after 11 AM CDT, the server will be unaccessible for some maintenance work. The downtime will last for a few hours.
Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 10/18/2020 - 23:54

It's anniversary season. That also means it's time to collect donations for our servers (Actually remembered to coincide the drive with the anniversary this year).
I'm taking some time off this week, so hopefully we'll have a few treats to release on the actual anniversary. See? I'm on top of things this year (although a lot of the stuff was thanks to quarantining because of Corona)
We were fully funded with the materials donation last year, so we just need to cover server costs this time. The goal this year is 535 dollars!
So please donate, so that the staff can have underwear for tomorrow.

Submitted by Lunagel on Sun, 09/06/2020 - 19:16
In a change that was frankly long overdue, there is no longer a boolean checkbox for male/female for forum profiles. It has been changed to an optional field to chose gender to display on your profile. New users can fill this out when registering a forum account, current users will need to edit their profiles for these new options to show up.
Submitted by Quatrerwin on Mon, 05/29/2017 - 08:53
Over the next few days, each part of the website will be going down in order to transfer them to a new server. The wiki will be the first to be transferred. The transfer needs to be completed before June 1.
Submitted by Quatrerwin on Mon, 04/10/2017 - 13:27
The server will be going down on Thursday, April 13 at 5 PM CDT for an upgrade. The upgrade should only take 2 to 5 hours. This will affect only the wesite and tracker
Submitted by Quatrerwin on Fri, 03/17/2017 - 06:57
Various parts of the website will be going down this weekend to be upgraded in order to address various issues with the front page, the wiki, and forums.
Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 12/21/2014 - 13:14
Happy holidays everyone. Just a little update of what's going on.
We've got the two Drive specials in the work now, as well as the Surprise Drive music video.
The Gaim and Toqger movies are being worked on now. The Ginga movie is also in qc. We're also working on the Bounty Hunters movie/Toei Hero Next #4.
We're still working on old shows like Agito and MegaRanger.
We're also redoing some shows on Blu-ray like Shinkenger, Ryuki, and W. It should be particularly exciting in Ryuki's case since that was never in HD before.