Megaupload Stuff
Hey, does anyone want to try adding our files to the new Megaupload incarnation?
When you've done that, put the link in the Submit Links forum. And let us know how it's working out for you somewhere. Feedback forum?
Images on Wiki Stuff
By the way, it'd be really great if we had more people adding pictures to our wiki. I know the new Requeset Account feature seems really dumb, so feel free to make up stuff for the part where it asks for your real name. For the biography section, just write down something to prove you're not a spam bot. (I think it requires a lot of words so feel free to copy and paste it a few times)
Remember a wiki is made by a community. Not just one, two, or three people!
If you need help, e-mail me or ask a question on the forums
Take a look and see what we've got going so far. Wiki Image Galleries
(Note, you can always edit the text without logging in. So if you see a fix, you should mistake it.)
RSS Feeds / Tracker Stuff
Thank Q, because we've got RSS feeds again for the tracker:
Let us know if it's working okay.
Capture Stuff
We just replaced our tuner. Hopefully this week we'll be able to capture the video as it airs. I'm sure I don't need to tell you how hard it is to do this work if we're tripping up the very first step in the process.