LOL, some of the lies people tell are so lame

[05:45] <private> I'm working on a project for the best release of season zero.  I have VHS transfers for 12-27 (lossless transfers, donated to me by someone.)  I plan to use 1-15 subs from GX_ST, but seeing as your release is the only one that covered 16 onwards I wanted to ask if you care if I transcribe and softsub 16-27.  I heard a rumor saying that I would get death threats if I did
[05:46] <private> I don't want scripts or anything like that.
[05:46] <&Lunagel> no that's cool, go for it
[05:46] <private> Thanks man
[05:47] <&Lunagel> also: death threats? really? ;/

A) We don't send death threats. It's pretty shocking what kind of lies people will tell to make our group look bad.

B) Do I need to say this? If you're a fan, don't send death threats on our behalf. That's super uncool in so many ways.

Imagine coming home from work for lunch and finding out others are saying your group is sending death threats to people. So surreal XD
