takenoko's blog

Princess Jellyfish individual torrents removed

If you were in the middle of downloading it, don't worry! You can put all your files (complete or in progress) in the same folder and resume it with the batch torrent.

Princess Jellyfish batch released

If you haven't seen Princess Jellyfish, this picture is super representative of the show.

Wiki / Forum

Individual torrents going away at the end of the day.

I put up a poll. If you've watched the series and would like to give your rating, that'd be appreciated!

Here's the master poll with the stats. I probably need to update it again though.

Garo rebatched to remove Red Requiem and Kiba

Sorry folks, but have to remove some more movies that got licensed.

Jellyfish 9 SD v2 released

Files are still the same. Just messed up the torrent because I accidentally included the torrent file in the folder, so it was making the torrent look like it's incomplete. If you've already started downloading, just keep the files in the same place and it should resume.

akihabara@deep TV series (DC version) and movie rebatched

Someone pointed out the movie's out of print, so we rebatched it with the TV series. It looks like we had a good 7000 downloads for this series, so it was rather popular.

Forum / Wiki

Princess Jellyfish 04 thread now public

I was wondering why no one voted last week. Thanks for pointing it out.


Batching Deka

I don't have all the files totally uploaded, but if you want to hop on the batch as it slowly gets seeded, feel free. I'll post again when it's seeded.

KyuuRanger 48 + CM + Junctions released

Farwell, KyuuRanger!

And with that, I'm free from translating a weekly for the first time in... 14ish years? Good luck to the rest of the team if they decide to pick up Lupin VS Pat.

Thread / Wiki

Don't forget to rate Kyuu in the poll thread. Currently it's a 3.68 out of 5 stars with 31 votes.


Lunagel stealth edit: Before you flip out at takenoko's unnecessarily vague wording, xiiliea will be doing Build every week and I'll be translating Lupin VS Pat so everything will be released as normal.

Need help with looking over DekaRanger scripts

Do you know English, Japanese, are observant, or good at making useful criticisms? Oh, and like DekaRanger? Congrats, you qualify to help QC Deka, come to the forums and message takenoko to join.

Princess Jellyfish 02 v2 released

Was informed of a couple mistakes on the forums, so here's a v2!


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