Retro Game Master will be featured exclusively on Kotaku every Thursday night, posting at 8pm EST, starting June 23, 2011.
So what's that mean for us? I strongly suspect that what they'll put out will be highly edited, so we'll probably continue to release what they leave out, I'm guessing? At any rate, this is exciting news for GameCenter CX fans. The staff are talking about watching the first broadcast together.
Once we know more about it, we'll make some decisions on how we proceed with the project in the future. For now, let's give our support to Kotaku and hope they do the show justice. I definitely recall them mentioning the show in past articles, so they must have fans among the staff.
On a side note, we are working on TimeRanger as a backburner project. I'm just QCing and encoding it, so it won't interfere with the other Sentai projects going on. But as you can expect, it's probably not going to come out super soon.