ZyuRanger 08 released


Did you know that the monster is loosely based on Greek mythology? If you've ever read the Odyssey, then this story should sound familiar. Odysseus lands on an island, and his men get turned into pigs by the witch Kirke (latinized to Circes).


Moly is even mentioned. Hey, this show is teaching you something about mythology! How about that?

"So spoke the Radiant One; then gave the magic herb, pulling it from the ground and showing me in what form it grew; its root was black, its flower milk-white. Its name among the gods is moly. For mortal men it is perilous to pluck it up, but for the gods all things are possible. "

Anyway, if you've never taken a class in Greek mythology, the k sound in Greek was usually converted to a c sound when it was latinized. Like how cyclops would be kyklops:


Since Japanese is a phonetic language, they tend to use spellings and pronunciations closer to the original borrowed word than the English version. It's just something that comes up every once in a while, so I thought I'd explain that.

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