It's been a while since I plugged this, but did you know you can visit our IRC channel through the web too? Yup, you can do it through the Mibbit service.
Remember that just like with the forums, you have to obey the rules. That said, the discussions are pretty free form and the assumption is that you are an adult. Don't go if you're the easily offended type, don't have a sense of humor, or don't know how to interact with a group of other people. If you annoy people enough, an op might kick or ban you. It's a channel of people who like toku as well, but people come in a lot of varieties and types, so be respectful too. And don't get butthurt if people don't take a shine to the new guy, it takes a while to get to know a person.
But in the end, it's a channel full of people who probably have similar interests to your own. Pay attention to what people say, try not to hijack a conversation, or be annoying. If there's a quiet moment, stick around instead of just quitting. Some times are more lively than others, since a lot of members are from America. Go out there and meet some of our members:
Couple of addendums:
-Choose a real nick, not a default Mibbit nick
-We don't control the conversation. You're talking to real people, and sometimes real people are rude. Deal with it
-There's nothing wrong with lurking and getting a feel of how the people are before talking. We don't know you're dumb until you open your mouth and prove it
-If you like chatting with us, maybe get a real IRC client? Like http://www.sysreset.com/ or something