Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 01/31/2014 - 08:23
Submitted by takenoko on Tue, 12/24/2013 - 21:18
Submitted by takenoko on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 08:03
Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 02/08/2013 - 19:12

Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 12/16/2012 - 06:30
Submitted by takenoko on Thu, 11/22/2012 - 07:41

Trivia: Did you know that the Japanese word for Turkey is Shichimenchou? That means "bird with the seven faces".
WTF does that mean, Japan?! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!
Oh, according to the wiki, it's because when turkeys get excited, their skin color changes from, red, to blue, to purple.
Submitted by takenoko on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 08:20
Submitted by takenoko on Tue, 10/02/2012 - 23:08

Let's celebrate the freedom to read! Censorship (whether it's because of government, religiious groups, or individual biases) is sort of lame.
Picture taken from this site.
Submitted by takenoko on Thu, 09/13/2012 - 11:31
Submitted by takenoko on Sat, 07/07/2012 - 03:53

Maybe spend the day rewatching Densha Otoko or something.
Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 05/13/2012 - 00:13

Edit: Oh yeah, talk to Calendar Man.
Submitted by takenoko on Mon, 04/02/2012 - 21:48
Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 04/01/2012 - 00:30

What do the names Kabuto, Decade, Accel, Odin, and Chalice evoke when you hear them? Badassery? Coolness? Power and style? Exactly.
That's why I'm starting a new forum group to encapsulate these badass heroes. In case people aren't aware, if you go to the forum User Control Panel, you can go to Usergroups in the side menu. You'll see a list of open groups that you can join. If you set one as your default group, that can sometimes give you a special image above your avatar.
This will be a group for manly men like these. Something that captures the core of who they are and what they fight for...
Their little sisters.

Terui Ryuu, Kanzaki Shirou, Aikawa Hajime, Tendou Souji, and Kadoya Tsukasa. Entire plotlines for the TV series and movies have been about their relationships with their little sisters. Little sister is power! Cuteness is justice!
Is this little sister apprecation day? Maybe!
And so, Imouto Rider Group, start!
Submitted by takenoko on Mon, 01/09/2012 - 15:10
Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 01/01/2012 - 15:44

You guys didn't really think we'd do nothing this week, right?
Don't forget to talk to Calendarman
By the way, here's the song listing for the Sentai Concert we posted yesterday. There's a lot of great songs and stuff like Psychic Lover dressed in their DekaRanger uniforms or the guy who sings MagiRanger's opening in his MagiRanger coat
01 - GoGo Sentai - Boukenger
02 - Boukenger - On The Road
03 - Boukenger - Punch
04 - Sisters MAYO - MagiRanger (ending)
05 - Magiranger Theme
06 - Dekaranger Theme
07 - Abaranger Theme
08 - Abaranger Ending
09 - Hurricaneger Theme
10 - GaoRanger Hero
11 - GaoRanger White
12 - DaiRanger Theme
13 - ZyuRanger Theme
14 - Jetman Theme
15 - Fiveman Theme
16 - Fiveman Ending
17 - TurboRanger Theme
Submitted by takenoko on Sat, 12/31/2011 - 02:44
Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 12/25/2011 - 04:22
Submitted by takenoko on Mon, 10/31/2011 - 03:56
Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 09/18/2011 - 23:34

It be talk like a pirate day. If ye scalleywags don't want to end up keelhauled, then ye best be talking like dis all day on the forums and in the channel. Yarrr....
Submitted by takenoko on Thu, 07/07/2011 - 04:28
Running out of splashes. Still no Birth splashes, and it'd be nice if we could get a really nice one for the last episode of OOO (and for episodes inbetween that and the current one). As well as some GokaiSilver ones. Thanks!
We're also working on TimeRanger and Agito in the background, so some splashes to start that series up will be nice.

It's July 7, that means Tanabata in Japan!