
My Battride War Stream Archive... Part 5!

That's it for story mode.

Part 5a Chapter 3
Part 5b Chapter 4
Part 5c Chapter 5
Part 5d Finale
Part 5e Rider Road

I'll keep going on with Rider Road stuff and grinding for figures/music/voices/and trophies.


My Battride War Stream... Part 5!

Video stream:

Join the stream chat (Sorry, I don't pay attention to twitch's chat. It's #tv-nihongames @ synirc )



My Battride War Stream... Part 4!

Video stream:

Join the stream chat (Sorry, I don't pay attention to twitch's chat. It's #tv-nihongames @ sysirc )


Battride Stream 3 archive

Part 3a Struggling Fourze

Part 3b Unlocking OOO

Part 3c Dr. Maaaaki!

Part 3d Switching to Normal Mode

Normal is way too easy, but hard is way too hard. I kind of wish there were an inbetween mode.

I think that I'll need to do some grinding between streams just so I'll have more of a variety of abilities to display.


My Battride War Stream... Part 3!

Video stream:

Join the stream chat (Sorry, I don't pay attention to twitch's chat. It's #tv-nihongames @ sysirc )



Next Battride Streamining?

Probably will be Sunday. Hopefully afternoon/evening time.

I was planning on doing it tonight, but distroing Akiba took longer than I expected, plus I have Garo to work on. Tomorrow I've got work all day and the Wizard to work on after that.


Let's stream Battride War Part 2 archive

All 5 hours:

2a W two stars
2b Hibiki
2c Kabuto
2d Kiva
2e Kuuga
2f Ryuki
2g Unlock Fourze
2h Survival Road and bonus stuff

New stuff from last time, I grabbed my Rider music collections and dumped them on my ps3. So this time, there's custom music that plays (In one of the parts I show how to set it up. You can basically set up the music to play under certain situations)

Sorry for ignoring chat again. I need to remind myself to peek in from time to time. I just kind of lose myself in the game and forget.


Let's stream Battride War Part 2

Video stream:

Join the stream chat (Sorry, I don't pay attention to twitch's chat. It's #tv-nihongames @ sysirc )


Let's play Kamen Rider Battride War Part 1

I've got an archive of last night's stream. Check it out:

Full uncut video (including 10+ minutes of installing)
Warning, full video is over 5 hours long.

Or just check out the highlights. Warning, for the actual Rider story chapters, maybe spoilers?
1a Prologue
1b Wizard
1c Unlock Faiz
1d Faiz's chapter
1e Unlock and W's chapter
1f Unlock and Faiz's chapter
1g Unlock and Blade's chapter
1h Unlock and Agito's chapter


Let's Play OreImo PSP

Time: This Friday March 15. 6 PM Pacific (9PM East Coast)

Format: The stream will be non-voiced. Everything will be conveyed through IRC chat which will appear as subtitles in the video.

Chat channel: To be decided

So in anticipation of the second season of Oreimo coming out next month, I'd like to try playing this game. The game's story takes place after the True Route ending of season one. I only watch the anime series, I don't read the manga or the novellas, so as far as I know, the stuff that happens in the game are just what-if scenarios. So maybe spoilers for the new TV series, but who knows?

I'm going to stream the footage to my Twitch account. It'll include the IRC channel where we'll be gathering so I'll try to have some audience participation. The game is basically a visual novel, so while most of it is voiced, there may be some text only parts. I'll try to summarize what I can, but obviously I won't be able to do a line-by-line translation for everything.

I think I'll try the Ayase route first. I really like her storyline and think it'd be interesting to watch.

I've streamed myself playing games before, but this will be my first time trying something in this format. If it works out, maybe I'll do more. I've got Climax Heroes OOO and some of the old Rider Playstaion 1 games. Or we can do something entirely different, I'll post my games collection in the thread.

Past streams:



Wow, that looks really good, actually.

Comes out in May for the PS3. Kind of excited.


Mini review: Ni no Kuni has Dubtitles


Title says it all, doesn't it? I bought this game at full price because I thought that I could play it with the Japanese audio. Unfortunately, the subtitles are all set to match the English dub. Basically, it's just not a faithful translation of the Japanese, so you're not getting that experience. Just the dub one through text.

This is kind of annoying as a Japanese fan because, that's the whole reason I was hyped to hear that it came with the Japanese audio. Was it naive of me to think that the game would fully support that aspect since they bothered to include this feature in the game? Frankly, if I knew the game was going to be released this way, I wouldn't have paid full price... and maybe I wouldn't have bought this game at all. I'm very picky about my experiences, and it's important to me that everything is perfect for me to enjoy something.

Like arbitrarily changing a character's English name from Mark to Philip, that's the sort of decision making that should worry people about the translation. As an Amazon review put it: "I'm sorry if your name is Mark, but it's too Japanese. Why don't you try changing it to a nice American name like Philip?"

I'm surprised that I haven't seen this mentioned in any game reviews that I've seen. I'm almost certain that I'm in the minority in this, but I do feel like I was cheated by the promise of Japanese audio and English subtitles. It's 2013, so why is this still a thing that happens in games and movies? I really don't expect studios to care unless I'm actively taking money out of their pockets. I guess people like me who have my set of tastes just don't matter to them.



Looks like it'll be an anime Christmas in...

The Kingdom of Loathing.

Yay, anime!

The KOL wiki article on the anime Crimbo.

Remember to join our clan TV-Nihon if you end up in the game.

Kamen Rider Agito 23 released

Man, Super Climax Heroes is looking amazing. The recent release looks sort of like episode 22 of Agito.

Super Climax HeroesChalice

Look at this, they brought back Agito and Chalice for this game. Crazy! I'm totally supporting this game.

KR Agito 23

Thread / Wiki

So Super Climax Heroes?

This poster looks great, does anyone have a larger version of it?

Hello, Blade. You're reading for this game?

They're using actual TV actors for the characters? BAD ASS. Thank you for eventually doing this.

Thousand Pounds does it again!

This time it's Street Fighter Vs Tekken. Keep an eye out for fan favorite Mark Musashi among the cast.

Cool live fight scene inspired from Batman Arkham City

If you haven't played the game, watch a cool choreographed fight scene with epic music involving a nice lady:


Portal Free Until the 20th

If you haven't played this yet, it's free until September 20th. So download it and do it already. It's a short game and it's fun! And it's free!



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