Submitted by takenoko on Mon, 08/22/2011 - 22:46
As long as I'm wasting your time between releases, I thought I'd plug the new ascension path in called Way of the Surprising Fist. Spoilers, after you beat the game, you can ascend and replay the game to perm the skills, thus changing your game play from ascension to ascension. Plus you can add conditions to your new ascensions to get more karma points, which make it easier to perm skills.
So we're really enjoying the fisting path because you can travel around to certain areas and gain fist skills. It's just funny because when you get the skill, you get this scroll, which basically says "big penis" backwards:
Anyway, feel free to join the game. Join our clan, TV-Nihon, for some minor benefits. Find me in chat using
/c clan
If you need stuff, just ask or grab it from our clan stash. Join us and have some fun with this funny pop culture humor game.
Submitted by takenoko on Thu, 06/16/2011 - 16:08
Submitted by takenoko on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 20:22
Retro Game Master will be featured exclusively on Kotaku every Thursday night, posting at 8pm EST, starting June 23, 2011.
So what's that mean for us? I strongly suspect that what they'll put out will be highly edited, so we'll probably continue to release what they leave out, I'm guessing? At any rate, this is exciting news for GameCenter CX fans. The staff are talking about watching the first broadcast together.
Once we know more about it, we'll make some decisions on how we proceed with the project in the future. For now, let's give our support to Kotaku and hope they do the show justice. I definitely recall them mentioning the show in past articles, so they must have fans among the staff.
Our thread about the matter.
On a side note, we are working on TimeRanger as a backburner project. I'm just QCing and encoding it, so it won't interfere with the other Sentai projects going on. But as you can expect, it's probably not going to come out super soon.
Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 05/29/2011 - 00:19
"We all make choices. But in the end, our choices make us." ―Andrew Ryan
Submitted by takenoko on Mon, 04/18/2011 - 01:16
Submitted by takenoko on Thu, 04/07/2011 - 02:57
Submitted by takenoko on Tue, 03/29/2011 - 23:49
Submitted by takenoko on Tue, 03/15/2011 - 21:48
Hyper Clock Up please?
So I tried playing Climax Heroes OOO with the PSP over Adhoc with a couple people from the staff. It sucks, it's super slow. We tried it using both the American and Japanese adhoc party programs. Everything is just super laggy. Anyone have any idea on what can be done to make the play experience better?
Climax Heroes OOO thread
Edit: Does anyone have a larger scan of this Kabuto picture?
Submitted by takenoko on Mon, 02/28/2011 - 13:24
Got a PSP? Got a wired connection PS3?
Maybe join us sometime for some gaming?
I think it's worth setting up at this point because I'd like to maybe someday host a TVN Climax Heroes OOO tournament or something. Like we can have a diagram with the lines show who's competing and eliminating them as the time continues.
Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 02/04/2011 - 18:18
So I bought this for the PSP. I guess it's a story game done in the style of those hentai games. You make your dialogue choices and see what kind of ending you get
The actual gameplay elements were a bit surprising to me. There's a Two Shot mode where you basically have to calm the girl down by either selecting a dialogue line as it scrolls by (you only get one choice) or not saying that at all.
The other gameplay aspect depends on collecting keywords and storing them in your O.R.E. List. At certain points items from your ORE list will show up and you can press left or right to select them. Things sure have changed since the days where you were just given a list of options to select, eh?
So anyway, I beat the game, puposefully trying to do the worst job possible. I ended up with about 14% completion, it looks like I didn't unlock any story branches. I think I basically got the bad ending where I'm stuck buying BL goods with my Akagai for his little sister. Girls start pointing and whispering, so I end up running away while my friend yells out my name. Humiliation?!
The trailer for the game:
Bonus: I wasn't able to obtain this since it seems like it's sold out, but the special version actually comes with an additional game. The bonus game is a sister maker where all the characters are your sister or something. Here's the video for it:
Submitted by takenoko on Wed, 12/15/2010 - 20:37
Image courtesy of Kingdom of Loathing
So a bunch of people joined in the last week (14 to be exact) which is cool since we normally get zero (Even if they do apply, I never see their application till after they quit the game).
So the second part of the Crimbo content is out. The Elf Alley thing was too high level for most people to survive the sewers, but this part should be okay for all levels. I guess our new goal is to get a clan Deluxe Fax Machine from the gift shop to install in our VIP room (you need a VIP key to even see this room). If people can help with that, we'd greatly appreciate it!
I'm also going to include a link to the forum thread for it. Feel free to use it to talk about the gam. See if you can beat the quests without spoilers
Forum thread
And of course, if you join the game, our clan is TV-Nihon, so please apply there and pm me when you do
Submitted by takenoko on Tue, 12/07/2010 - 23:11
If you have a KOL account, we could use some help clearing Hobopolis for the Crimbo holiday content this year. If you want to create an account and join our clan, that's cool too. Just be sure to message me in game to let me know you've applied otherwise I'll have no way of knowing
Of course, our clan name is TV-Nihon and my character name in game is takenoko
To access Hobopolis you must go in to the Clan Basement and go down the series of sewer mazes. Once there, you must kills hobos, kill as many hobos as you can! Kill them all! What fun
Submitted by takenoko on Tue, 11/23/2010 - 20:23
On sale at PSN for $20. If you haven't checked out this awesome game, do it!
Submitted by takenoko on Tue, 11/16/2010 - 15:14
So who's picking up Climax Heroes OOO? If people are getting the PSP version, we can probably play against each other using Xlink Kai or a PS3 with a wired connection to the Internet.
We've been using the PS3 method the last few months to play Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker and Monster Hunter FU and it's pretty good for the most part. If you have a PS3 with a wired connection, why not play with us? To use the PS3 method, just simply go to the PSN store and pick up a software called Adhoc Party. The program basically is what allows you to connect your PSP over the Internet
Edit: If you want to use the PS3 method, if your PS3 uses a wireless connection to the Internet, Adhoc Party WILL NOT WORK
Looks like the game comes out early December
Submitted by takenoko on Sun, 09/26/2010 - 11:53
Submitted by takenoko on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 14:49
Originally posted by Lunagel ... rs-Network
"The Video Game Voters Network is a place for American gamers to organize and defend against threats to video games by registering to vote and letting Congress know how important this issue is to the community. Without a critical mass of adult video game players who are registered to vote and willing to stand firmly behind their games, politicians will continue to fire criticism at games and game players in order to score easy points for their political campaigns.
Video games are fully protected speech under the Constitution, and receive the same First Amendment protection as books, movies, music and cable television programs. The Network opposes efforts to regulate the content of entertainment media, including proposals to criminalize the sale of certain games to minors, or regulate video games differently from movies, music, books, and other media. The Network also enables gamers to stay educated about issues, reach out to federal, state, and local officials, and register to vote. The Video Game Voters Network is a project sponsored by the Entertainment Software Association, a trade group representing America’s video game publishers."