
Happy Birthday, Messiah!

Our Crimbo helpers have worked hard to bring you Go-Busters 44 today!

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It's a Crimbo Miracle! Go-Busters movie released!

Man, this movie had some awesome bonuses. Like it came with this map of Tokyo that shows where all the events of the movie happened.


It also came with the script for the movie! How awesome is that? Look at this thing, it has the character and actor names. The character ages. And on the bottom, you can see all the scene numbers that they're in!

This thing is crazy too. It's only 35 pages long, so it's like a page per minute of movie time. And according to this, there are 35 scenes total. Being a script writer for toku must be a pretty sweet job.

As for the movie itself, we're only releasing the director's cut this time. We figure that most people probably wouldn't notice the difference from the theatrical cut. First audio track is stereo, second is surround, and third is commentary. If you use a shitty video player that plays all the sound tracks at the same time, then you'll need to use a different video program. The included bonus is a creditless version of the ending song.

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Go-Busters 1-12 HD Batch released


I love how Ace is just back there.

Wow, not a lot of downloads for Go-Bus 15-16

So I'm noticing not many downloads for the director's cut. I guess it's a good time to ask if Toei might be overdoing it with the rereleases lately.

Extra footage is pretty good, but do they justify putting out a brand new disc? It makes me wonder how the sales for this and the Fourze Climax sales was.


Go-Busters 41 released


Thread Maybe you guys can settle an argument between Luna and me. Watch the episode too, it's a good one!


Sentai Pyramid



Gokaiger 43-51 HD batch released

Please reenjoy Gokaiger while we're working on Super Hero Taisen.

Go-Busters 39 released

Happy Thanksgiving! Also, why isn't this a real thing?

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MagiRanger Movie Meeting released

Hmm, maybe I should have saved all those recent MagiRanger pictures for this release. Oh well, you can just click the MagiRanger tag and see them in previous posts.

Yeah, wiki's down again :(



Go-Busters 38 released

What the hell happened to your faaaaaaaaaaace?!


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