
Yes, you looooove Go-Busters now

Why hello there. I didn't see you come in. <Adjusts glasses>

Discussion thread

Wiki article

Sentai references in AkibaRangers?

Just like the Gokaiger thread. List them if you've got them.

Also, check out the Gokaiger thread (linked a few posts down). People are really thorough.

Subtle Sentai references in Gokaiger?

Slowking is working on a thread to collect all the subtle Sentai nods in Gokaiger. If you're a Sentai buff, please feel free to contribute

Za thread

Eventually we'd like to turn this into a wiki page. Speaking of which, this thread isn't for overt references. Like we already have a list of Sentai guest stars in this article (Feel free to add or correct anything if we left it out):

Gokaiger Special DVD released

Whee, more Gokaigers

And yeah, that's the splash pic I'm using for the front page.

Hikounin Sentai AkibaRanger 08 released

Hello! Tsukada here, everyone please enjoy this episode of AkibaRangers!

Episode 8 released

AkibaRanger 06 released

The actress for Kozukozu has her friend from DANCEROID join. It's Itokutora as Ikura as Umeko! (Ikura is Japanese for "salmon roe"). Here's the blog post this picture is from. Come to think about it, maybe she's always been there and this is the first time they said her name? I dunno.

Oh yeah, we're also looking for splashes for Akiba, since we're running out. You can always submit them to the thread about it.

So let's talk about Akiba 6 in the release thread.

Go-Busters 12 released


The choice is yours!

Go-bus 12

ZyuRanger 14 released

I don't have anything clever to say, so here's a pig. Zyu 14 released (last night)!

ZyuRanger 13 released

Five of these mythic scenes share a core similarity

Another great episode for spotting the inspirations from Greek mythology.

ZyuRanger 12 released

Remember vampires? When did they become all fancy, like this?

Was it Interview with a Vampire?

ZyuRanger 12 released

ZyuRanger 11 released

We may have missed the 20th anniversary of ZyuRangers, but at least we can give you this:

I can show you the world

Shining, shimmering, splendid

Tell me princess, now when did

you last let your heart decide?


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