
Super Hero Max 2012

I guess this is lost to the ages. So if we had footage of Super Hero Max 2012, this is probably what it would have looked like.

More numbers

So yesterdayish I said that there was a major dip in Shinkenger episode 44. Someone on the forums pointed out that kids tend to be visiting temples on New Year's weekend. So I looked at the numbers for other series, and yup, series that air an episode on that weekend tended to be really low. (That probably explains why they skip broadcasting on those days or tend to make those episodes throwaway ones.)

That's what I love about finding out new stuff like that. One new fact can totally change how you perceive something. I genuinely think that the more you know, the more closer you come to seeing the world for how it really is.


So have a picture of Optimus Prime with a billion guns across his chest.

Gavan Crossover 32 released

Sorry for the late release this week. People busy with work and stuff.

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Busters Ready Go~

29 & creditless op released

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Go-Busters 28 released

Why haven't we had a showdown between the heroine and villainess of the series yet?

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You got Power Rangers in my Sentai

Click to make big

Ummm, Toei. You do actually know which series you licensed to be Power Rangers right? I get you'd want to do double the promotion since Power Rangers is so well known, but maybe make sure your logos are on the right series?



Oh Japanese Translations


Hade ni iku ze = Let's wipe them out

Lunagel: how would they do dohade ni iku ze?

Lunagel: let's seriously wipe them out?

DaiRanger Movie HD released

Toei, Blu-rays for everything. Do it now.

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Shouji - 69 Years old

Kazu - 70 Years old

Ryou - 73 Years old

Daigo - 74 Years old

Rin - 68 Years old

Kuroki from Go-Busters catches a peeping tom

Apparently he saw the peeper looking up the skirts of high school girls. I guess the peeper was a 60 year old taxi driver, but still, Kuroki's actor is in his 40s, so it's not that unfair of an age gap.

A hero on camera and off.

Enemy eliminated!

Go-Buster 26 released

Let's Morphin!

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Since this is a Miho episode, how about some trivia about her actress, Nishihara Fuuka. She's been a fan of Kamen Rider since the first grade. She has a beginner's belt in karate and her father is a karate instructor. Her dream is to become an action actress.

Who knows? If she becomes the next Nao or a female Kamen Rider, that'd be pretty great.


Go-Buster 25 released

Have you ever noticed that it's not enough to show people in pajamas, they also carry around a pillow with them? When would you ever need to bring your pillow with you somewhere? I was watching an LP of Catherine last week and the naked guy also had a pillow with him. Better bring that pillow, who knows where you'll end up sleeping.

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If you have Hikari Saga 2, compare the voices!

Super Sentai World Released


From Blu-Ray disc for HD quality.

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Go-Buster 23 on the tracker!

Sorry for the delay!


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