
Sentai Vs Sentai! AkibaRangers 5 SD and Go-Busters 11 SD released

Akiba 5

Go-Busters 11

And because arguing on the Internet is important, which is the better Sentai series? Go-Busters of AkibaRanger? Poll

Go-Busters 10 released

Remember to always wear your glasses... and stay out of direct sunlight?! Maybe the Go-Busters are secretly vampires.

Ten, ready!

Cinco de Mayo! AkibaRanger 4 SD released

Wow, episode 4!

Too bad it's not episode five, which I haven't even seen yet.

Any more Oreimo parody pics?

If TV-Nihon made a wiki, would people help us fill it with useful info? I'm sure there's other people like me who enjoys data gathering and organizing. Let me know if you'd be interested in participating in such a thing.

AkibaRanger 02 released

I think this episode is what really clinches AkibaRanger for me. Actual Sentai guest stars? This is awesome stuff. It's like Gokaiger part two.

Akiba 2

Hikounin Sentai AkibaRanger 01 SD version 2 released

This is sorta funny. I told the HD encoder to be careful about the karaoke scripts since they were separate for episode one, but ended up unloading them from the SD encode. Oops! Sorry guys. Here's a version two.

By the way, did you know Yumeria is played by Ogino Karin who also played Bell in the OOO movie and OOO net movies last year?

I guess there's a bar called EA that sorta looks like the AkibaRanger logo. The first kanji for Hikounin 非 is the symbol behind the A.

AkibaRanger 01 released

So we're finally done with episode one. The series may seem silly, but I think it'll be really good. Sentai fans should really get a kick out of the references. Otaku will enjoy having a show about people just like them. It'll be fun.

Episode one thread

Jargon that appears in the show

Go-Busters 08 released

Hey it's Friday. Don't you deserve to kick back and watch some toku?

Go Bus 8

Gokaiger versus Gavan SD and 720p versions released

Hey! You got your Metal Heroes in my Super Sentai!

You got your Super Sentai in my Metal Heroes!


DaiRanger 38-50 batch released

Remember to resume with the batch if you were downloading the individual torrents.

Also, Mag pointed out some amusing trivia about DaiRangers from the Japanese wiki.

Dairenjaa Dairen-Ou, the Dairen is the Japanese pronunciation of Dalian, a region in China. Apparently it was originally going to be called Daikenja 大拳者 (Big Fist person).

There was a false long going rumor that it was going to be called Chuuka Sentai Chinaman (chuuka = Chinese, so that's redundant) but apparently that was debunked recently in the Super Hero Taihen net videos.

In the 90s they stopped making Sentai movies. In 1994 with DaiRanger, they did their first Super Hero Fair (ZO or J, Dai, and some Metal Heroes guy movie).

Best Super Sentai music video ever

Just watch it, you won't be disappointed. Thanks to Mag for linking it.

Go-Busters 06 released


Sorry for the lack of pic, Photobucket seems kind of busted at the moment. I don't have that many Go-Busters pics to begin with so I might as well skip this week's pic. Send some in if you want to share them.


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