
DaiRanger 28 released

DaiRanger 27 released

Look who visited the last Rescue Fire live show. It's the original R1 himself (and Ryou's actor). That expression he has in the first pic is priceless, what a cool dude even now

DaiRanger 27 released

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Dance contest ends in six days!

Have you ever wondered what are TN's active projects? Wonder no more, we have an active project forum section devoted to what we ostensibly will get to sooner or (more likely) later. Unless we outright cancel it or it was pulled because it was licensed, we probably still have every intention of continuing with it.

Tensou Sentai Goseiger 13-18 HD released

Remember that we're only able to put out some of them in HD because we're missing raws for the rest. Sorry, it's this or no HD releases :(

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Don't forget about the dance contest!

Goseiger 24 rereleased

Goseiger 24 rereleased. Sorry about the inconvenience folks!

Oh well, here's an excuse to repost the pics garfield uploaded on the forums

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Goseiger 24 recalled

Sorry, the version released is missing all the QC comments. I'll reencode and try to get a new version up as soon as possible

Goseiger 1-18 SD batch released

If you missed it the first time, you can grab it all here

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Shinkenger Returns again


Pretend that this was the picture I used for yesterday's release


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