Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission...
So I went ahead and renamed the DekaRanger files. It's actually not that bad on your end, so don't complain :P
First, stop the torrent that you're on.
Use this program to rename the files:
This is a batch of the file names (it's also included in the folder)
Once you install the program, do this:
1. Take the files and drag and drop them into the program.
*Don't accidentally include the text since I think the program needs the exact right number of files to rename
2. Rename->Import or Ctrl+I
Select the appropriate text file
3. Enlarge the program, and make sure both sides match up. If they don't, highlight the ones that are out of place and hit Up or Down on the menu to the right (you can select multiple files with shift or ctrl)
4. When everything's lined up, just hit rename and all the files should be fixed
Now that all the files have been fixed, you can resume the torrent
If that doesn't work, there's always renaming it manually one by one
Forum thread