
Gokaiger 6 released

Maid in Japan

GokaiYellow released

The word:
Kurakura くらくら (adv,n,vs) dizziness, giddiness

About #TV-Nihon

Gokaiger 4 released

I've meant to make this joke for like forever

Gokaiger 4 released Just a reminder that there were no episodes aired this week

Mijuku 未熟 【みじゅく】 (adj-na,n) inexperience, unripeness, raw, unskilled, immature, inexperienced, (P)
Literally means "not ripe/mature"

About #TV-Nihon

DekaRanger torrents now seeded

Looks like the transition is going pretty well. All the seeds that were lost are apparently coming back. No complaints about the renaming so far either.

Guess I'll do this with more files. Kind of makes me want to fix a bunch of headers with the wrong aspect ratio too. Well, one step at a time


It's Judgement Time! DekaRanger Rebatches again but with renamed files

Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission...

So I went ahead and renamed the DekaRanger files. It's actually not that bad on your end, so don't complain :P

First, stop the torrent that you're on.

Use this program to rename the files:

This is a batch of the file names (it's also included in the folder)

Once you install the program, do this:

1. Take the files and drag and drop them into the program.

*Don't accidentally include the text since I think the program needs the exact right number of files to rename

2. Rename->Import or Ctrl+I

Select the appropriate text file

3. Enlarge the program, and make sure both sides match up. If they don't, highlight the ones that are out of place and hit Up or Down on the menu to the right (you can select multiple files with shift or ctrl)

4. When everything's lined up, just hit rename and all the files should be fixed

Now that all the files have been fixed, you can resume the torrent

If that doesn't work, there's always renaming it manually one by one

Forum thread

DekaRanger rebatches are loose, go get them!


Mostly rebatches. One new file in this one.

Redid the Promo from the DVD:

You'll need this if you are planning to seed the new torrents. Everything's been moved around and I took out the TV version of episode one since the DVD version is superior in every way

Gokai 2 HD ver 2 in the works

So my encoder told me he was doing a version 2 to fix up the problems that people have been having.So look forward to that and 3 HD

Gokaiger 3 SD released

Super Hero Time

SD only for now. HD later

The word:
Kiai 気合 【きあい】 (n) scream, yell, fighting spirit, (P)

I think they chose well for the first guest character. MagiRanger is definitely my favorite Sentai series. It had engaging characters and a plot that really focused on the relationships between them. It had a real strong plot and progression on both the good and bad guy sides that made it really interesting to watch. If you haven't seen it, check it out!

Goseiger Movie released


Epic on the Movie!
With Ran from GranSazers as a guest star. Always nice to see those guys get some work

This pic is a promo for the Goseiger Returns thing in June. Look forward to it!

Gokaiger 2 SD released


Just the SD for now. HD later today

The word:
Guess I should clarify on what Goukai means
You hear goukai mentioned in the narration before the opening in episode one:

Goukai 豪快 【ごうかい】 (adj-na,n) hearty, exciting, stirring, lively, heroic, largehearted, splendid, (P)
From the kanji gou/great/powerful and kai/pleasant feeling

Gokaiger 1 HD version 2 released


For those of you who noticed the original HD encode being too dark or stuttering, here's a version 2!

And episode 2 will be released hopefully tonight or tomorrow

Some people have asked for a clarification on the designations that we use. SD and HD stand for Standard Definition and High Definition. SD is small resolution and encoded with the Xvid codec, HD is higher resolution and encoded with the H.264 codec. In short, HD will look better, but SD is around if you aren't able to play the HD version. DC stands for Director's Cut, usually that just means footage that was added in that wasn't originally in the theatrical cut. DVD and Blu-Ray just show what the source material for the encode was. MV is for Music Videos. OVA stands for Original Video Animation.

Am I missing anything? I guess that covers that

Gokaiger 01 released for realz

Sorry it took a while, we were doing a lot of fine tuning. Let's go! Pirates go! Go Gokaiger!


So let's talk a bit about an underrated show, Chousei Kantai Sazer-X. It was the third in the series that was akin to the third party for Toei's Kamen Rider and Sentai series. Just 38 episodes long (and a movie) and following the more popular JustiRiser series, I kind of feel like it fell on the wayside with people finding the humor goofy and the other tongue-in-cheek elements just offputting. I mean, you either love Sazer-Gordo or you vehemently reject him.

So what happened to the three main heroes of the series?

Well, Miura Ryousuke seems to be doing pretty well for himself. Apparently he acts in J-doramas, he had a guest role in Decade, and he's currently a main character in Kamen Rider OOO. That's pretty awesome if you think about it.

Shindou Gaku apparently is still getting work too. He was in Fuuma no Kojirou the live version and now he's doing voice acting for one of the villains in Gokaiger.

But what happened to the main hero of Sazer-X? Where's he gone? The year's still young, maybe we'll see him pop up in some toku somewhere else

Gosei 43-50 HD... released sometime in the future

So we got some raws for 43-50. Expect HDs of them coming up sometime in the future. Looks like we're missing some episodes inbetween, so let us know if you know where to get them.

We're also still looking for a personal HD raw provider for the group as well.

Goseiger Finale released


Goseiger 50 released Thanks for watching this with us over the last year!

Tensou Sentai Goseiger 49 released

Women in the front, men in the back!


The word:
Kaishoku 皆既蝕 【かいきしょく】 (n) total eclipse (of sun by moon), totality
From the kanji "total", "previously/already", and "to eat into (by worms), spoil". Yup, that sun is just a big apple waiting to be eaten

Question corner:
Q. Who is Mark Musashi?
A. He's this great tokusatsu stuntsman that has been in many of the shows that we've previously subbed. He did Rider stunts for The First, was Zero and the butler in Garo. He even shows up unmasked as Duke whats his face in Cutie Honey and Peace in Sh15uya

Goseiger 48 released


It's the final countdown! Da da da. Da da da da!

The word:
Gishiki 儀式 【ぎしき】 (n) ceremony, rite, ritual, service, (P)

Forum thread plugs: Random picture thread, Series releated picture thread, Funny video thread


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