
Gokaiger 13 SD released

Koike Yui

Finally a GokaiPink episode. Kind of makes me want to go back and watch the last episode of KR W to see how she looked back then. Edit: Oh, she was in Rescue Fire 13? Everyone go download that batch and check that for me. Thanks!

Dunno when the HD will be out.

The word:
Rouhou 朗報 【ろうほう】 (n) good news, (P)
Hou is report or information, you'll hear it as a component of a lot of words that are information related. Rou is interesting, it means "bright and cheerful". The kanji is composed of the radicals "good" 良and "moon" 月

About #TV-Nihon

Gokaiger 12 SD released


Gokai 12 released

Katanarashi 肩慣らし 【かたならし】 (n) warming or limbering up
Kata means shoulders. Narasu means to become accustomed to.

About #TV-Nihon

Gokai 11 HD ver 2 in the work... maybe?!

I guess some symbols are missing from the HD version, so a version 2 may be in the works. Wait for more info or grab the one that's released for now, the choice is yours.

Gokaiger 11 SD released


About a little guy that lives in a blue world

The word:

Kejime けじめ (n) distinction (between right and wrong), (P)
Interestingly enough, this word doesn't have a kanji associated with it in my dictionary

About #TV-Nihon I added a section to talk about honorifics and other important Japanese words to know. The wiki has a pretty good article about this too though. If you like Japanese culture, you should definite read them.

DaiRanger 35 released

35 released So that's it for this batch. For now, please enjoy some pics of the toys that I found on some site somewhere

Gokaiger 09 released

Ahim and Marvelous

Gokaiger 9 test simulation has begun

The word:
Otazunemono お尋ね者 【おたずねもの】 (n) wanted man, person sought by the police
A big one this time. But the nice thing about Japanese is that you can usually break it down into component parts. Like mono in this case means "person". And tazuneru just means "to ask". The o is just the politeness prefix. How many other words can you think of in Japanese that end in -mono? (Kind of a tricky question, since mono with a different kanji means "thing")

About #TV-Nihon

Other stuff: We're aware that there's some problem with the Gosei vs Shinken HD release. I tried reencoding the audio, taking out a stream, adding a stream, etc. but all I can do at this point is just reencode the video. It plays fine on my PC, but I've received reports that it doesn't on others, and it doesn't play on the PS3 at all. So I'm looking into that.

Also, Shout Factory has announced that they're doing Transformers Masterforce and Victory, so please pull those torrents, remove those files from distribution so that we can support their efforts. Thanks!

Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger 08 released

Sorry for the late release, have some pics that were collected off the Internet

Today's word:
Bukkakeru 打っ掛ける 【ぶっかける】 (v1) to dash (slosh) water (or other liquid) on a person or in a person's face

About #TV-Nihon

Versus Theater: GekiRanger Vs Boukenger HD Release


So we released the Versus Theater version of Geki Vs Bouken. For those of you who don't know, during Goseiger they aired the Versus movies as half hour episodes with the Goseigers introducing the movies. Since Geki Vs Bouken was filmed in HD, we were able to release this TV edit version.

Since the others just use the black bars (4:3 aspect ratio), we're not going to release the main films (a lot of which are series that we haven't worked on anyway) but we are planning to do the Goseiger intros, so look forward to that in the future.

Geki Vs Boukenger HD release

Gokaiger 7 released


Won't you join me in a trip back in time? Let's just hop back in my time travel device and we'll go back to the year 2007. On an unrelated note, we released a Goukaiger episode

The word
Nanji 汝 【なんじ】 (n) (arch) you
If used nowadays it's kind of dismissive, so don't do that

About #TV-Nihon

Sentai game?

Looks like there's going to be a Sentai game, thanks Areku for pointing that out.

On another topic, do colorblind viewers of our subs ever have an issue with our use of colors in our subs?

And while I have your attention, I'm going to ask you for some math help. So I broke four wings in a game. The item I want has a 50% chance of dropping with each wing broken. However I only got one hard wing and three shells (a 20% drop item). What are the chances of this scenario happening? Please explain how you get your answer



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