
DaiRanger 40 released


Probably the last release of the year for some of you. DaiRanger 40 released. Ten left.

So that's release 2843. Our first release of the year was 2628, so that was 215 releases this year. Seems like kind of a low number considering it seems like we did a lot of different things this year.

Front page pic from this site:

See you next year when we finish this (and hopefully more) series off.

Gokai 44 SD released


Because Christmas is too good to end on Sunday, here's the Gokaiger Christmas episode!

Also, Fourze and Gokai are taking a break next week. Hopefully we'll have some backlog stuff to release, otherwise, see you guys after the New Year!

Edit: And Garo too! Oh my!

Gokaiger 1-16 SD batch released

Just batching up the first 16 episodes and some odds and ends, nothing to see here folks!

DaiRanger 36 released

Another green episode, what a coincidence

Funny story, I had worked on this batch the week before the Dai tribute episode of Gokaiger. Then stuff came up and my harddrive crashed.

Gokaiger 42 SD released

Hundred ninety-niiiiiiiiiiiine heroes!

SD released

199 Heroes released

Now I can use these pics. Have you counted up all the former Sentai guest appearances yet? And can you count up all 199 heroes?

I also made some screencaps from the creditless ending. You can download them here or from our Photobucket account.

Gokai 40 HD released

Here's something I've been meaning to post for a while. The famous explorer Vasco da Gama, who is notably the commander of the first ships to sail directly from Europe to India has a veeeeeery similar sounding name to a certain Gokaiger villain. But surely that's coincidence right? After all, if we look at Basco's monster form and the picture of Vasco on the Japanese wiki page...

Well whaddaya know

Go Kai Change! Nakamura Chise!

So I was cleaning out my pictures folder and came up with the idea to do this post. Hope you guys enjoy:

Natsuki, a Gokaiger before they existed?! Hmmm, looking at that compilation, it looks like I'm missing some Natsuki pics.

Bonus pic:

Cast Off! BoukenYellow:

Eh, one more:

Kawaii is seigi!


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