
Gokaiger 39 HD released

Gokai 39 released And for your pleasure, a recount of what the MegaRanger members have been up to over the yaers:

MegaRed, Ooshiba Hayato is still acting. He's cameoed in Hurricaneger and Den-O, and of course, Gokaiger

MegaBlack really didn't continue acting beyond MegaRangers

MegaPink Higashiyama Mami looks like she's still acting too. I'm sure her best cameo was Takaoka's mom in Boukenger

I don't recognize most stuff that MegaSilver has been in. But he was Tatsuya's dad in Rescue Fire 37:

Matsukaze Masaya or MegaBlue is probably the best known now. He became a voice actor and was the voice of Mikami Teru in Death Note. He was the voice of Kaoru's dad in Shinkenger.


Tanaka Eri or MegaYellow hasn't been in much recently either. But she was a cop in Kuuga and Natsuki's mom in Boukenger


Gokaiger 31 SD released

DVD menu

Meant to make this into a splash at some point. It's the menu from the Blu-ray. The effects on Gokai-Ou are pretty nice. The whole thing is simple, but looks good.

Kuenai 食えない 【くえない】 (adj,exp) shrewd, smart (and wide-awake), cunning, crafty
I think this word is pretty hilarious because it literally means "cannot be eaten". What would Jinkama do?!

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MegaRanger 26 released

Hurray, this one is spelled right.

And the walk of shame continues with Mega 26 released! And apologies in advance for however long we make you wait for the next episode to be released. Come back tomorrow when I might just release a batch, but after that, more Kuuga.

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Gokaiger 30 SD released

Gokai 30 released

Mukashi totta kinezuka 昔取った杵柄 【むかしとったきねづか】 (exp) skill learned in one's former days, using one's experience from the past, you never forget your own trade

I talk about this in the episode thread, so go read that there. I'll also be including an interesting pic that I found, not sure if it's real or not. Don't want to post it here because it's a bit spoilerish

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